Dead Island

Dead Island is a 2011 open world survival horror action role-playing video game developed by Polish developer Techland and published by German st

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Dead Island is a 2011 open world survival horror action role-playing video game developed by Polish developer Techland and published by German studio Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows, Linux, OS X, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Centered on the challenge of surviving a zombie-infested open world with a major emphasis on melee combat and crafting, the plot focuses on four playable survivors trying to survive and escaping off the fictional island of Banoi.

Dead Island features an apparent open world roaming, divided by relatively large areas, and played from a first-person perspective. Most of the gameplay is built around combat (mainly melee weapons) and completing quests. Dead Island is an action role-playing game and uses experience-based gameplay. The player earns XP by completing tasks and killing enemies. Upon leveling up, the player gains health and stamina, and can invest one skill point into a skill tree and level up one of their skills. Combat is carried out through either physical attacks or through the use of melee weapons and firearms. Melee weapons are emphasized to the point that firearms are not available for the first quarter of the game, and consist of blunt and bladed weapons. Melee weapons can also be thrown at targets at any point in the game. Weapons are randomly generated and positioned in predetermined locations as well as found on some enemies; they have unique stats which are generally based on the player’s current level. Each weapon can be upgraded three times to increase its stats, and most weapons can be “modded” – customized based on a blueprint to add special features, such as nails or electrified blades, and poison. These weapons will wear out from constant usage and require repairs and careful use. There is also a stamina bar, meaning that after a set amount of physical action, such as running, jumping, or swinging a weapon, the character needs to stop to regain his or her stamina. Fighting with a high level zombie will result in the player often running out of stamina and potentially being killed. The game features “special class” zombies, which are more powerful than the standard zombie. Players need to use flashlights in dark areas and during night-time sections, adding suspense. Zombies in the game have different abilities, such as the Walkers being Romero style zombies and the Infected being 28 Days Later style running zombies. There are also other special zombies in the style of Left 4 Dead.

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Dead Island is a 2011 open world survival horror action role-playing video game developed by Polish developer Techland and published by German studio Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows, Linux, OS X, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Centered on the challenge of surviving a zombie-infested open world with a major emphasis on melee combat and crafting, the plot focuses on four playable survivors trying to survive and escaping off the fictional island of Banoi.

Dead Island features an apparent open world roaming, divided by relatively large areas, and played from a first-person perspective. Most of the gameplay is built around combat (mainly melee weapons) and completing quests. Dead Island is an action role-playing game and uses experience-based gameplay. The player earns XP by completing tasks and killing enemies. Upon leveling up, the player gains health and stamina, and can invest one skill point into a skill tree and level up one of their skills. Combat is carried out through either physical attacks or through the use of melee weapons and firearms. Melee weapons are emphasized to the point that firearms are not available for the first quarter of the game, and consist of blunt and bladed weapons. Melee weapons can also be thrown at targets at any point in the game. Weapons are randomly generated and positioned in predetermined locations as well as found on some enemies; they have unique stats which are generally based on the player’s current level. Each weapon can be upgraded three times to increase its stats, and most weapons can be “modded” – customized based on a blueprint to add special features, such as nails or electrified blades, and poison. These weapons will wear out from constant usage and require repairs and careful use. There is also a stamina bar, meaning that after a set amount of physical action, such as running, jumping, or swinging a weapon, the character needs to stop to regain his or her stamina. Fighting with a high level zombie will result in the player often running out of stamina and potentially being killed. The game features “special class” zombies, which are more powerful than the standard zombie. Players need to use flashlights in dark areas and during night-time sections, adding suspense. Zombies in the game have different abilities, such as the Walkers being Romero style zombies and the Infected being 28 Days Later style running zombies. There are also other special zombies in the style of Left 4 Dead.

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  • Moods:
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  • Release The Hyper
  • Restless
  • Sad
  • Shake It Off
  • Sick

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