Rock of Ages II: Bigger & Boulder

Rock of Ages II: Bigger & Boulder is a tower defense racing video game developed by ACE Team and published by Atlus. The game combines tower def

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Rock of Ages II: Bigger & Boulder is a tower defense racing video game developed by ACE Team and published by Atlus. The game combines tower defense strategy with a rolling ball mechanic similar to games such as Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball. The aim of the game is to use a large stone boulder to attack the enemy’s castle at the bottom of the hill, while using various defensive structures to defend your own.

The game combines tower defense strategy with a rolling ball mechanic similar to games such as Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball. The aim of the game is to use a large stone boulder to attack the enemy’s castle at the bottom of the hill, while using various defensive structures to defend your own. Players can use a variety of obstacles to defend the path leading up to the castle, such as buildings, dynamite, windmills and animals. Players can also plant money farms in order to raise the funds needed to use certain objects. The player can only add obstacles on green colored landscapes, which turn unusable when obstacles or money farms are planted on top of them. When ready to attack, the player can take control of a boulder and roll it down the hill, avoiding obstacles in order to attack the enemy castle’s gate. If the player has enough points, he can equip the boulder with power-ups, such as armor or magma, which enhance the boulder’s defensive or offensive capabilities, though they will lose this power up if the boulder takes sufficient damage. Once the boulder hits the gate, or their boulder breaks after taking too much damage, there is a small recharge period before another boulder can be launched. The player wins if he can break through the castle gates and place his boulder in the center of the castle, killing the opponent.

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Rock of Ages II: Bigger & Boulder is a tower defense racing video game developed by ACE Team and published by Atlus. The game combines tower defense strategy with a rolling ball mechanic similar to games such as Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball. The aim of the game is to use a large stone boulder to attack the enemy’s castle at the bottom of the hill, while using various defensive structures to defend your own.

The game combines tower defense strategy with a rolling ball mechanic similar to games such as Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball. The aim of the game is to use a large stone boulder to attack the enemy’s castle at the bottom of the hill, while using various defensive structures to defend your own. Players can use a variety of obstacles to defend the path leading up to the castle, such as buildings, dynamite, windmills and animals. Players can also plant money farms in order to raise the funds needed to use certain objects. The player can only add obstacles on green colored landscapes, which turn unusable when obstacles or money farms are planted on top of them. When ready to attack, the player can take control of a boulder and roll it down the hill, avoiding obstacles in order to attack the enemy castle’s gate. If the player has enough points, he can equip the boulder with power-ups, such as armor or magma, which enhance the boulder’s defensive or offensive capabilities, though they will lose this power up if the boulder takes sufficient damage. Once the boulder hits the gate, or their boulder breaks after taking too much damage, there is a small recharge period before another boulder can be launched. The player wins if he can break through the castle gates and place his boulder in the center of the castle, killing the opponent.

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  • Computer
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  • Moods:
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  • Hyper
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  • Release The Hyper
  • Restless
  • Sad
  • Shake It Off
  • Sick

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