Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game

Dead of Winter is a meta-cooperative strategy board game for two to five players designed by Jonathan Gilmour and Isaac Vega through Plaid Hat Ga

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Dead of Winter is a meta-cooperative strategy board game for two to five players designed by Jonathan Gilmour and Isaac Vega through Plaid Hat Games. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested colony. Players are faction leaders who must work together to ensure the colony’s survival through incoming zombies and lack of supplies. In addition, players have individual, secret win conditions that they must meet to be victorious.

The game is played over a set of rounds, during which the players will use dice to have their survivors execute actions. These actions can include scavenging locations for supplies, which can be weapons, food, fuel, medicine, or new survivors, attacking zombies and other survivors, clearing trash, moving between locations, using medicine, building barricades, or helping to complete the existing crisis. Each game will be one of twenty possible scenarios. Each scenario has a starting morale level, a starti

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Dead of Winter is a meta-cooperative strategy board game for two to five players designed by Jonathan Gilmour and Isaac Vega through Plaid Hat Games. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested colony. Players are faction leaders who must work together to ensure the colony’s survival through incoming zombies and lack of supplies. In addition, players have individual, secret win conditions that they must meet to be victorious.

The game is played over a set of rounds, during which the players will use dice to have their survivors execute actions. These actions can include scavenging locations for supplies, which can be weapons, food, fuel, medicine, or new survivors, attacking zombies and other survivors, clearing trash, moving between locations, using medicine, building barricades, or helping to complete the existing crisis. Each game will be one of twenty possible scenarios. Each scenario has a starting morale level, a starti

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  • Geeky
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